Nut-Med Pain Relief Spray and Cream
Nut-Med Spray and Cream
Experience what thousands of people call,
"The only product that really works"

All bottles of Nut-Med Spray and Cream are 2oz (60ml)
Spray on comfort for your muscles, joints and nerves.
This Special Formula was created by Mr. Denis Noel of Noelville Ltd. in Grenada, West Indies. Years of trial and working with as many people as he could find to perfect his proprietary formula, Mr. Noel received the title of Dr. Spray.
It is easy to spray on Nut-Med™ and saturate the area. The fragrance is delightful, but doesn’t linger. The oils are the lightest oils found and penetrate the skin to do their work. There is no oily residue and no staining of material. This product is not tested on animals and the nutmeg used is sustainably grown.
The KEY is in the "nut", the NUTMEG tree
Over the years, traditional herbalists have used nutmeg oil for its soothing properties. Noelville Ltd, in consultation with specialists involved in the pharmaceutical and medical professions, has done intensive research which has resulted in the product NUT-MED™. This product is a blend of plant extracts with the refreshing scent of nutmeg. When those natural ingredients are combined together in their precise amounts and dispersed in alcohol it brings soothing comfort to areas of the body experiencing stress.
All ingredients are considered safe to use and unlike other similar products sold on the market today, Nut-Med™ is not formulated with waxes, artificial colors and other chemicals. The ingredients are carefully selected botanical extracts for the safest results of this product.
Warming – soothing – relaxing—like a week in Grenada!